

When it comes to retrimming the interior of your Aston Martin, an owner can choose from the huge selection of original colours and materials used in the period and still available today.

Knowing how the trim of an Aston Martin is put together is the key to this fundamental part of restoration. Whether it is the length of the stitches within a headlining or the width and number of pleats within a front or rear seat cushion or even the particular type of binding that should edge the Wilton carpet Trinity Engineering has the templates, equipment and experience to guarantee the right result. Our dedicated ‘in-house’ trim shop and a vast database of knowledge ensures that a classic or modern Aston Martin is trimmed exactly as it left the factory.

Our Concours winning interiors display our vast understanding of the different materials, processes and procedures involved in ensuring every aspect of an Aston Martin interior or boot is returned to the original finish, stitch line, shape and padding with the same visual effect that was achieved when the car was new.